The TMA, long-established and renowned 18 film production company, has recently released another one of their popular 18 parodies based on beloved anime “Chainsaw Man”. This time, they’ve created a parody of Chainsaw Man titled “Dildoman”. The cover of the 18 parody features three cosplayers dressed up as Makima, Power, and Reze, enticing fans of the original anime.
You Can Watch the Video Here: Click Here
You can now view the “trailer” of Dildoman, the 18 parody of Chainsaw Man. The video showcases the remarkable faithfulness of the parody to the story depicted in the original anime, as it begins in a similar manner.
You Can Watch the Video Here: Click Here
You Can Watch the Video Here: Click Here
We already know About Chainsaw Man Hentai Went Viral that went viral in Social Media, Also Chainsaw Man Hentai Part 2 Went Viral On Social Media the 2nd part of that Series Went Viral and the Chainsaw Man Power’s R18+ Figurine Went Viral on Social Media. We can say this is Like a Series for Aged Otakus.
Chainsaw Man Detail
Chainsaw Man is a popular manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from December 2018 to December 2020. The story follows the adventures of Denji, a young demon hunter who uses his chainsaw-like weapon to battle demons and survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
The manga features a dark and gritty tone, with elements of horror, action, and comedy. The main character, Denji, forms alliances with other demon hunters, including a devil named Pochita, who transforms into a chainsaw dog to aid Denji in his battles against powerful demons. As Denji navigates the dangerous demon-infested world, he uncovers secrets, faces challenges, and grapples with his own inner demons.
Chainsaw Man has gained widespread acclaim for its unique storytelling, distinctive art style, and memorable characters. It has also been praised for its unconventional and unpredictable plot twists, as well as its exploration of existential themes and human nature.
Source: Twitter